This blog post is definitely going to be lacking in the written word, but lucky for you, I have a 6 minute video to explain everything you need to know in order to start wireless tethering with the Air Direct! Full disclosure, it doesn't actually take that long to set it up, especially once you download the Tether Tools ADU plugin.
Here are a couple things however that I thought would be important to write down, even though they're included in the video.
Should you use the Mobile or ADU function?
Well, this depends on whether or not you're using the Air Direct with a mobile device, or a computer. If you're connecting the Air Direct to a mobile device, you want to use the Mobile feature, but if you're connecting to a computer with the Air Direct Utility, you'll want the switch to be on the ADU setting.

What's the difference between 2.4GHz and 5GHz?
Simply put, if you have to transfer a file over a longer distance, you should use 2.4GHz and if you are in a smaller space and just looking for a faster transfer, you should use 5GHz. I'm sure there's a more technical answer than that, but you're not going to find it here.
Does my camera need to be setup a certain way?
If you watched the video, I said you need to have your camera in PCP mode, and this was 100% a slip of the tounge because I most certainly didn't mean to reference angel dust in my video, but what I meant to say was that your camera needs to be set to PTP (Picture Transfer Protocol), PC Tether, or PC Remote depending on the camera brand you use.
The second thing I would recommend is disabling any USB power options your camera has. I don't think this is 100% necessary, but highly recommended.
What is the default password for the Air Direct network?

I think that's pretty much everything, and if I left anything out of this post, just check out the video above.
If you want to take your photography to the NEXT LEVEL, join me for my next workshop on March 14th at my studio here in Franklin, TN.
I will also be teaching a class on 1 light setups at WPPI in Las Vegas at the end of the month, so if you're going to be at WPPI I would love for you to join me for my class! Use code "CARPENTER" for 15% off a platform class or a free expo pass.
I hope to see you there!
-Jeff Carpenter